Technology has greatly enhanced our lives in so many ways. We have never seen this as much as over the last year when we have had to ‘click and connect’ with our friends and family all over the world.

A key part in this ‘Digital Multiply’ project to bridge the digital divide and connect these advancements in technology with those who are the most vulnerable in our Chinese community- our elders.

We are currently working with Radius housing to develop an exciting pilot project to utilise the Facebook Portal+ device to connect better with our Chinese elders who are resident at Hong Ling Gardens.

We hope to install this hands-free support technology to provide a direct link with our elderly support worker and in due course, with friends and family. 

With an uncertain winter ahead in terms of the pandemic, this project provides an accessible way to keep connected even if contact may be restricted. 


Training session at the Chinese Resource Centre to introduce the devices to the elderly.  We have agreed that the device will have an appropriate ‘Chinese name’ to personalise the experience.